Kundali Bhagya Written Update 10th October 2024

Welcome to the scripted update for Kundali Bhagya on October 10th, 2024. In this update, we continue to follow the journey of our beloved characters as they confront new trials, share heartfelt experiences, and navigate their ongoing stories. In today’s episode, Shaurya remains lost and angry, believing that everyone is against him, while Preeta and Karan clash over the best way to support their troubled son. Meanwhile, Rajveer and Palki grow closer as Shaurya’s resentment intensifies. Let’s dive into the latest drama, relationships, and unexpected events in our Kundali Bhagya script update.

Episode 1: Shaurya’s Anger and Palki’s Frustration

In a heated moment, Shaurya angrily tells Palki, “Rajveer is nothing but a gangster. She only has everything because she is Karan’s daughter!” Exhausted by the argument, Palki responds, “There’s no point in talking to you,” before turning to leave. As Shaurya watches her walk away, he shouts, “You don’t have any real answers, that’s why you’re running away!” Thinking he’s won, he leaves as well. Elsewhere in the house, Nidhi stands silently, surprised by Karan’s drastic actions. Shaurya isn’t listening to her anymore, and she’s at a loss for how to resolve matters.

Episode 2: Family’s Concerns for Shaurya

Kareena and Mahesh have a conversation, with Kareena expressing her concern. “We can’t change Shaurya’s behavior like this,” she tells Mahesh, shaking her head emotionally. Mahesh admits, “Karan shouldn’t have acted in anger,” while rubbing his forehead. Kareena agrees, noting, “Karan and Shaurya both share a quick temper.” Meanwhile, Kavya approaches Rakhi with an idea. “Dad,” Kavya says softly, “please talk to Mom. I believe Preeta is the one who can help Shaurya right now.” Though Kareena dismisses the idea, citing Preeta’s memory loss, Kavya insists, “Shaurya needs love and attention.” Rakhi eventually agrees, acknowledging the validity of Kavya’s point.

Scene 3: Preeta Tries to Help

Preeta finds Karan alone and initiates a conversation about Shaurya. “You can’t leave Shaurya like this,” Preeta pleads. “He needs love, not judgment. Be his friend, Karan, not just a disciplinarian.” Karan sighs, “I’ve tried everything, Preeta. Shaurya isn’t a child anymore. Life will teach him what he needs to know.” With that, Karan turns and walks away, leaving Preeta worried about their son.

Episode 4: Shaurya’s Deepening Pain

Later, Shaurya encounters Sunny, who offers him a place to stay for the night. However, Shaurya, overwhelmed, declines. “I don’t want to stay anywhere,” he insists. “I just want something to forget everything. I need antibiotics.” Concerned, Sunny tries to calm him down, pointing out, “You don’t need this.” But Shaurya, wrapped in confusion and anguish, just wants an escape.

Episode 5: Preeta and Karan Clash Once More

Preeta is persistent, returning to Karan to discuss Shaurya. “Shaurya needs the best support to thrive,” she argues. “He’s your son. It’s your responsibility.” Karan counters, “Shaurya lacks direction. He’s not prepared for this.” Preeta protests, “He still must take on the Luthra business.” Karan retorts, “Rajveer is also my son, Preeta. I don’t wish to discuss it further.”

Continuing with more urgency, Preeta pleads, “Please provide Shaurya with the best chance. It’s important for him.” Karan, feeling conflicted, accuses, “You’re just like Shaurya!” Preeta softly replies, “I empathize with his pain.” But Karan questions her motives, thinking she feels guilty for punishing Shaurya earlier. “Don’t feel bad; you did nothing wrong,” he assures. Undeterred, Preeta questions, “I disciplined him—why continue to do so?”

Karan remains firm. “Shaurya will not change by softening my stance. He needs to learn,” he asserts. Preeta, taken aback, responds, “You don’t get me. Shaurya will end up resenting everyone, including Rajveer, and you’ll regret it,” she warns before leaving. Overhearing, Rakhi and Kavya exchange worried glances. Preeta remains silent, despite noticing.

Episode 6: Rajveer and Palki Discuss Shaurya

Palki returns to Rajveer, looking despondent. “Why did you come back?” Rajveer inquires, noticing her distress. “Shaurya can’t be your brother, Rajveer,” Palki comments. “He’s acting like the victim in all this.”

Rajveer advises, “Don’t let him affect you, Palki.” Yet, Palki insists, “I couldn’t stay silent seeing Shaurya behave this way. It was too much!” Rajveer gently reassures, holding her hand, “Relax, for me.” Their eyes meet, and in that moment, everything else fades. The song “Yaara Ve Mere Yaara” plays softly in the background.

Episode 7: Shaurya’s Struggle with Resentment

At Sunny’s place, Shaurya drinks heavily, his words slurred as he voices his grievances. “Everything changed when Rajveer, Palki, and Preeta entered my life,” he confesses to Sunny, who listens attentively. “You’re drunk, Shaurya. You don’t mean that,” Sunny advises. Still, Shaurya persists, “I’m serious—my reputation is destroyed. My own family turned on me because of them!” His fury grows as he drinks more. “Rajveer stole everything that’s rightfully mine!” Shaurya exclaims. Uneasy, Sunny asks, “Who do you hate most, Shaurya?”

Without hesitation, Shaurya responds, “I hate everyone!” His voice is heavy with sorrow. He continues drinking, his mind clouded by harsh memories of Palki’s words, Karan’s reprimands, and Preeta’s actions, only fueling his hurt and anger further.

The episode concludes here.

That’s all for today! Stay tuned for more updates as the story unfolds with more surprises and heartwarming moments. Don’t miss what’s next for the characters as they face new challenges. Keep reading for the latest Kundali Bhagya script updates!

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