Bhagya Lakshmi Written Update 15th October 2024

Welcome to the Bhagya Lakshmi scripted update for October 15, 2024. In this update, we continue following the journey of our beloved characters as they encounter new challenges, share heartfelt moments, and experience unexpected turns. In today’s episode, Lakshmi confronts Malishka and Rishi regarding Parvati’s disappearance, accusing Malishka of suspicious actions. Malishka skillfully defends herself, while Rishi directs the blame at Lakshmi. The search for Parvati begins, with both Rishi and Lakshmi eager to prove the other’s guilt. Let’s dive into the latest drama, relationships, and unforeseen events on our website as Bhagya Lakshmi unfolds.

Episode 1: Lakshmi Confronts Malishka

The episode begins with Lakshmi standing resolutely in front of Vijay, determined to repeat Malishka’s alleged words. Everyone listens intently as she says, “Malishka called someone, instructing them to take care of Parvati and mentioning that Rishi would meet Parvati in two hours. Rishi will be furious if Parvati complains about him.” Rishi is taken aback momentarily and turns to Malishka with a quizzical expression.

“Who were you talking to, Malishka?” Rishi asks, his voice controlled but firm. Meanwhile, Balwinder with his friend Chandu, loses his cool. Chandu, angered by a previous encounter with the police inspector, questions Balwinder’s actions. Chandu argues that had the detective succeeded, they would all be imprisoned. Balwinder, bewildered, struggles to find a solution.

Episode 2: Rishi Pressures Malishka

Rishi demands to know, “Malishka, who are you in contact with? Do you recognize the suspect?” His voice rises aggressively. However, Lakshmi won’t back down either. “Stop pretending, Rishi!” she retorts, locking eyes with him. “Where is Parvati?” Rishi’s patience runs thin, and he angrily warns, “You’re testing my limits, Lakshmi. Tread carefully, or you’ll regret crossing me.”

Unfazed, Lakshmi remains firm. “Your anger doesn’t bother me, Rishi,” she replies icily. Malishka, feeling pressured, interjects, “Lakshmi, enough! You’re doing this because you no longer belong in this family.” Undeterred, Lakshmi demands Malishka’s phone. Malishka hesitates. “No,” she reluctantly responds, but Lakshmi grabs the phone and hands it to Vijay, urging, “Check it!”

Episode 3: Vijay Examines Malishka’s Phone

Vijay thoroughly examines Malishka’s phone amid the tension. “There haven’t been any calls since 11 AM,” he informs Lakshmi, who grows frustrated. “I’m sure she made a call! She discussed Parvati!” Lakshmi insists, clinging to her suspicion. Vijay suggests she check the phone herself. Lakshmi examines the call log, puzzled as she finds no evidence of the call. Malishka remains outwardly calm, feeling triumphant that she deleted the call from her logs before Lakshmi could see it.

Episode 4: Rishi Accuses Lakshmi

Seizing the moment, Rishi accuses Lakshmi, “You’re the one who kidnapped Parvati!” Lakshmi is shocked. “What?!” she exclaims. “There’s no evidence because you’re the culprit,” Rishi insists. Lakshmi turns to Vijay desperately. “Stop him, Vijay; he’s lying!” Rishi, unyielding, urges Vijay to inspect Lakshmi’s phone messages. Vijay reads aloud: “The kidnapper wants Lakshmi to bring money to the Haveli, assuring her that Parvati is safe.”

The assembled Oberoi family reacts with disbelief, pointing fingers at Lakshmi. Voice shaking but firm, Lakshmi asserts, “I didn’t kidnap Parvati. Let me verify my phone.” Malishka, fearing exposure, grabs the phone from Vijay and throws it into the water to destroy evidence.

Episode 5: Malishka Eliminates Evidence

Vijay stares at Malishka in disbelief. “What did you just do? You destroyed the evidence!” he exclaims. However, Malishka confidently replies, “Don’t worry, I can retrieve the data. It’s not a big deal.” Rishi, furious, demands Vijay arrest Lakshmi. Lakshmi counters, “Arrest Rishi instead! He’s the real villain here.” Her voice unwavering as she prepares to fight back. Rishi, incredulous, argues, “You have no proof, Lakshmi, because none of this is true.”

Episode 6: Balwinder’s Dilemma

Meanwhile, Balwinder and his group are in a panic beside an unconscious police inspector. Parvati, recently awakened, tries futilely to rouse him. “We need to act,” Chandu urgently tells Balwinder. “Eliminating the inspector will solve our problems.” Balwinder, conflicted, contemplates the situation, aware of Chandu’s point yet feeling hesitant.

Episode 7: Rishi and Lakshmi’s Race Against Time

Back at the Oberoi home, tensions escalate. Rishi resolves to find Parvati and prove Lakshmi guilty. Not missing a beat, Lakshmi vows, “I’ll find Parvati and clear my name.” They part ways in pursuit of the truth. Rishi, with Ayush, embarks on a search to vindicate himself. Meanwhile, Lakshmi, with Shalu, seeks the truth before Rishi succeeds.

During the drive, Ayush spots Lakshmi and Shalu and offers, “Join us, Lakshmi. Together, we’ll find her quickly.” But Rishi, unmoved, interjects, “No, she can’t join us. She’s a suspect.”

The episode ends here

That concludes today! Stay tuned for the next episode as the story unfolds with more surprises and heartfelt moments. Anticipate how the characters will face their new challenges. Keep reading for the latest updates on Bhagya Lakshmi!

Also Read: Bhagya Lakshmi Screenplay Update for October 14, 2024

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