The teeth that come back

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It is a fairly widespread fact that when some sharks lose their teeth They are able to raise them Again to keep his teeth intact. What if humans could do the same? Maybe we’re not too far off To achieve it or at least something similar. Clinical trials. A new drug, designed to restore our … Read more

Increase concentration and reduce distraction

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Starting next Monday, May 6, there will be no more mobile phones in Valencian classrooms. At least not all universities. The Valencian government, through the Department of Education, has announced the measures that will come into effect next week, as announced by the autonomous body. in Pune. Because it’s important. Indiscriminate use of mobile phones … Read more

We already know which is the best selling mobile phone in the world. There are exactly zero surprises in the list.

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Counterpoint research published ranking Along with the ten best-selling phones worldwide in the first quarter of 2024. The consulting firm points to a curious trend: increased interest in premium phones, which cost more than $600. In the market, over the years, when we talk about selling premium mobile phones we inevitably talk about one brand: … Read more

The best premium mobile phones, at the best prices

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To start June, AliExpress offers us Summer Passion, a good selection of technology products with very attractive discounts. For this, as usual we are available Promotional code To apply at marked price. And to give you an idea, we have selected some interesting smartphones that you will be able to buy… If you are quick, … Read more