How to buy weight loss pills in Spain and what health recommends

Olympic success has been a double-edged sword. Because, due to supply issues, something has to be said since your arrival D D H That is why the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) has put in place several measures to guarantee this supply.

This is one reason for GLP-1 analog drugs like Ozempic They are dispensed only with a doctor’s prescriptionie with a prescription.

Supply problems mean people receiving treatment for type 2 diabetes may lose a resource for glycemic control.

Given Ozempic's supply problems, Spain has a date for the arrival of its alternative: Mounjaro.

The reason the drug is dispensed with a prescription is the need for monitoring by health professionals. dose Such medicine depends on the response given by the person.

So, what are the criteria for GLP-1 analog drugs like Ozempic? Agency regardless of each doctor’s professional criteria As mentioned in its last update Depending on the state of supply of this drug, certain guidelines must be taken into account.

Prefer diabetes

AEMPS updated in May this year explained that the use of this family of drugs as a tool to control type 2 diabetes should be prioritized: “AEMPS recalls the need to adjust prescriptions Prioritize the use of these treatments for glycemic control DM2 patients as the therapeutic options for these patients may be more complex.”

Since May, Spain has had two drugs approved for weight control from this family: Saxenda and Wegovi, duly approved in the same month of May to overcome supply issues. However, AEMPS notes that this authorization is limited to certain circumstances.

His May publication, AEMPS to identify It identified cases where medicines from the Ozempic family were dispensed without a prescription or inconsistently with the situation. They thus warned of the possibility of sanctions.

“The inspection services of the autonomous community have identified cases of prescription of these drugs that are not included in their technical characteristics or do not comply with the indications given by the competent authorities. Likewise, (…) cases have been identified that are dispensed without the corresponding medical prescription. It may Give birth to administrative responsibility provided in law,” the agency explained.

In BDtechsupport | What are the side effects of Ozempic, a fashionable weight loss drug

Picture | Enrique / Chemist 4U