Kundali Bhagya Written Update 4th October 2024

Welcome to the Kundali Bhagya scripted update for October 4th, 2024. In this update, we delve into the continuing saga of our beloved characters as they confront new challenges, share poignant moments, and advance in their journey. In today’s episode, Preeta stands her ground and reprimands Shaurya for his transgressions, while Shaurya struggles against his family’s efforts at discipline. Tensions rise as everyone attempts to guide Shaurya back on track, but his defiance only intensifies. Now, let’s explore the latest drama, relationships, and unforeseen events in our Kundali Bhagya update records.

First Episode: Preeta Confronts Shaurya

The episode opens with Rakhi approaching Preeta, anxious about Shaurya’s recent actions. She implores, “You must guide him back to the right path, Preeta. Only a mother can do that.” Determined, Preeta picks up a stick. Shaurya, taken aback, watches in shock. “Mom, what are you doing?” he murmurs. Preeta remains calm yet firm, stating, “A mother must be strong when her son loses his way. You’ve crossed a line, Shaurya.”

With frustration evident in her voice, Preeta adds, “You need to apologize to Lokesh and his family. You’ve wronged them, and it’s time to make it right.” Shaurya refuses defiantly, “I won’t apologize,” crossing his arms. Losing patience, Preeta responds, “A mother punishes when necessary, and you’ve left me no choice.” She gently strikes Shaurya with the stick. He sighs, refraining from retaliation. “You have committed a grave sin. Do you think I enjoy punishing you? I’m ashamed to do this at your age, yet I can’t stand by and watch you stray.” Shaurya momentarily appears to understand.

Watching from the sidelines, Rakhi whispers to Dadi, “Nidhi never amends her ways. That’s why it’s come to this.” Dadi nods in agreement. Rakhi continues, “Karan and Rishabh were never like this because of their good upbringing.” Overhearing, Karan interjects, “If Shaurya had better manners instilled, he could’ve been a better version of me. Look at him now.”

Shaurya, overwhelmed by the accusations, exclaims, “Enough! All of you, breathe!” His anger rises as he storms out.

Scene 2: Nidhi Comforts Shaurya

Perceiving the tension, Nidhi approaches the family. “Stop tormenting my son!” she pleads emotionally. Karan remains firm, “Take Shaurya away from here, Nidhi,” he commands sternly. Nidhi follows Shaurya, who paces angrily in his room.

“Shaurya, control yourself,” she advises softly, attempting to soothe him. He turns to her, eyes filled with rage, accusing, “You did nothing when Preeta disciplined me.” Nidhi feels helpless but insists, “Your father is calling you.” Shaurya retorts dismissively, “I don’t care what he wants,” leaving the room. Sunny, who was nearby, trails behind him.

Scene 3: Preeta Apologizes to Lokesh’s Family

Meanwhile, Preeta reaches out to Lokesh and his family, eyes full of regret. “I am truly sorry for Shaurya’s actions,” she apologizes sincerely. Lokesh’s wife, Kavita, steps forward appreciatively. “Thank you, Preeta. We’re grateful for your acknowledgment,” she responds. “I never expected such recognition from the Luthra family.”

Rakhi, hearing this, smiles approvingly at Preeta. “You did the right thing,” she comments warmly. Karan joins the group to assure Kavita, “Don’t worry about your household. I’ll arrange for assistance.” Rajveer, eager to help, volunteers, “I’ll handle everything.”

Mahesh also steps forward, apologizing on behalf of the family. “I am disappointed with Shaurya’s behavior. Please, work with the Luthra Company. You’ll find peace.” Moved, Lokesh replies, “It feels like a new beginning for me. This family is good, except for Shaurya and… Shanaya.”

Fourth Episode: Shanaya Voices Her Discontent

Elsewhere, Shanaya discusses with Palki and Daljeet. “Everyone treats Preeta like she’s Shaurya’s mother,” Shanaya observes resentfully. “Preeta shouldn’t have punished him. I despise her for that.” Palki defends Preeta, “She did what was necessary,” she asserts.

Daljeet disagrees with Palki, aligning with Shanaya. “Preeta went too far,” he insists. Palki stands firm, “It’s Shaurya’s fault; Nidhi didn’t raise him properly. Preeta only did what was needed.”

Suddenly, Shaurya appears, overhearing. “Stay out of my affairs, Palki,” he demands angrily. Unfazed, Palki trails him as he exits the house.

Episode 5: Palki Confronts Shaurya

Outside, Shaurya angrily gets into his car. Palki, running after him, tries to stop him. “Preeta is right to discipline you. She’s the only one who cares enough to correct you,” she says urgently. Shaurya glares, retorting, “Preeta has no authority over me! You and she are the same—unchanging in my world.” With that, he drives off, leaving Palki standing in helplessness.

Episode 6: Karan and Rajveer Discover Shaurya Missing

Back inside, Karan and Rajveer go to Shaurya’s room, hoping for a conversation. They find it empty. “He’s gone,” Rajveer notes, scanning the room. Worry creases Karan’s face as he realizes Shaurya’s left home in anger.

Episode 7: A Clash Between Palki and Shanaya

Elsewhere in the house, Shanaya confronts Palki again. “What’s your problem, Palki? Why so aggressive?” Shanaya questions, perplexed. Palki responds calmly, “I’m not interfering, Shanaya. I just want Shaurya to improve, and you should help him instead of enabling him.”

Shanaya rolls her eyes dismissively. “I don’t need your input, nor does Shaurya,” she declares. Yet, Palki remains steadfast. “You seem to emulate him a lot,” she remarks quietly, a hint of sadness in her tone. Shanaya, uninterested in a lecture, dismisses her with a wave. “I don’t care what you think, Palki.”

Palki sighs, “I just hope you both find your paths before it’s too late.”

The episode concludes here

Stay tuned for more as the story continues with even more surprises and heartfelt moments. Be excited to see what unfolds next and how the characters will navigate their new challenges. Stay updated with all the Kundali Bhagya script news!

Also read: Kundali Bhagya Written Update for October 3rd, 2024

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