Jagriti 19th September 2024 Written Update: Jaggu’s Courage

Jaggu’s Desperate Efforts

Jaggu found himself trapped, struggling to devise a plan to save the rabbit. He whispered a silent prayer to Ram Ji, seeking guidance. No sooner had he finished praying than Golu and his group noticed the rabbit, which had become their focal point.

A Clever Ruse

Thinking on his feet, Jaggu mimicked the roar of a tiger, causing the boys to flee in terror. Grateful to Ram Ji for His assistance once again, Jaggu marveled at how divine intervention can manifest in various forms to aid those in need.

Chaos in Kalikant’s House

Meanwhile, Kalikant’s house was in a state of chaos. His mother was absorbed in her morning prayers, with his other two sons, Suraj and Akash, present. Suraj, the elder son, teased Akash relentlessly, even stabbing him with a safety pin. Akash retaliated with a punch. Watching disapprovingly, Kalikant remarked to his wife, Ganga, that Akash was becoming too rebellious.

Morning Rituals

Despite the commotion, Kalikant’s mother remained focused on ensuring Kalikant received his prasad. He consumed it hurriedly, wiping his hands on Ganga’s pallu before he and Suraj left the house.

Another Close Call

Outside, Akash encountered the rabbit just as Golu and his friends prepared to shoot it with an arrow. Jaggu, keeping a close watch, intervened by using his laughter to deflect the arrow. Picking up the rabbit, Akash noticed the undisturbed gun on the ground. Realizing Jaggu’s interference, Golu was shocked at his missed shot. Meanwhile, inside, Ganga worried about Akash’s whereabouts while Suraj was only interested in his video games.

Jaggu and Akash’s Meeting

Akash approached Jaggu. Curious, he questioned why Jaggu withheld the gun and whether he feared the potential repercussions. Fearless, Jaggu explained he was a servant of Ram Ji and had fulfilled his duty by saving both the rabbit and Akash. Akash listened intently as Jaggu recounted the entire story.

The Sarkar Revelation

Kalikant was outside scolding a poor servant for touching his feet, eventually striking the man’s hand. Observing from a distance, Jaggu realized the perpetrator was Sarkar, the village’s long-time tormentor.

A Heartfelt Assurance

Akash assured Jaggu he wouldn’t harm the rabbit, laughing at the notion since he proudly identified as a vegetarian. Jaggu introduced himself, and they embraced. Suddenly, Kalikant called for his driver. Akash, acting swiftly, hid Jaggu while trying to protect the rabbit.

Confrontation with Kalikant

Kalikant, spotting the rabbit, ordered Akash to dispose of it. However, Akash stood firm, explaining the rabbit’s fear and pleading for reconsideration. Kalikant refused, arguing he had just completed a cleansing ritual and didn’t want to touch the animal.

Ganga’s Support

Ganga entered the scene, showing her softer side by supporting Akash’s decision to care for the rabbit. Kalikant, contrarily, expressed relief that Suraj was not as soft-hearted as Akash and Ganga. Leaving in a huff, he left Akash with Ganga.

A Plan for Safety

After Ganga went inside, Akasha summoned Jaggu again, warning her of the danger Sarkar posed to the rabbit if left at home. Akash promised to safeguard the rabbit if allowed to care for it. Conflictually, Jaggu agreed to let her take Chiku, the little rabbit, to the haveli for safety. As they parted, Ram Ji congratulated Jaggu on this small victory, and Akash bid farewell.

Village Tensions Rise

Back in the village, tensions between Nanda and Durjan were escalating. Nanda complained about Durjan’s earlier insults, but their argument was interrupted by Ballu’s aggressive behavior towards Harish over a bottle of wine. Known for his violent tendencies, Durjan ordered Harish to cage all the chicks before paying for the drinks. Harish, once a proud hunter, had succumbed to bad habits.

Jaggu’s Silent Promise

Jaggu, witnessing the incident, volunteered to assist Durjan, silently promising himself that things would improve.

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